The book has become an outcome of a year-long joint work of researches, representatives of culture, priests, businessmen, diplomats, public servants and representatives of Belarusian and foreign civil society.Presentation of a collective book “Belarusian-American Cultural Dialogue: Strategy of Development” was held in Minsk on June, 18 at “Europe” hotel. The book is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belarus and the USA establishment.
There are articles in Belarusian, English, Russian and Polish. There the situation of American Studies in Belarus and Belarusian Studies in the USA in the light of European experience is analyzed, ways for Belarusian culture popularization in the world are reviewed. The readers are proposed to see the concrete ways of Belarusian-American Dialogue development, as well as the works of the winners of an open nation-wide contest “American Culture: What Is It Like?” are presented.
The book is prepared and published by Intercultural Dialogue Center with the support of the USA Embassy in the Republic of Belarus and Polish Institute in Minsk, with the participation of International Fund “Vitsebsk Golden Heritage”.
Apart from Belarus, the presentation of the book is planned to be held in Poland and in the USA.
During the presentation the Head of the project Liubou Uladykouskaya drew attention of the present to the structure and the contents of the book, told about the history of Belarusian-American cultural initiative, progress of the project, achievements and results, as well as about the prospective of further work.).