Our Activities: Accomplished and To Be Accomplished

In 2010-2012 we:

  • Published and presented our new book “Discovery of My America, or Why would Belarusians need the U.S.A.?”
  • Founded the American Club in Minsk;
  • Wrote and published a brochure “How to preserve Cultural Originality?”
  • Organized a presentation of the brochure together with the USA Embassy (June, 02, 2010). Among the guests: Head of UN Mission in Belarus, UNDP Resident Representative, Charge d’Affaires of the USA Embassy, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to the Republic of Belarus, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Slovak Republic to the Republic of Belarus, Charge d’affaires ad interim of Poland to the Republic of Belarus, heads of missions and representatives of missions of other countries to Belarus, representatives of international organizations, businessmen, bankers, clergymen, academic elites, professors, artists, and many others.
  • Wrote and published a collective book “Preservation of the National Originality in the context of development of the intercultural dialogue“.
  • Organized a presentation of the book together with the Ukrainian Embassy in Minsk (January, 19, 2011).
  • We are about to publish (without any financial support) six books on history and culture of Belarus, Belarusian-European cultural dialogue, modern European cultural policies, religion in Belarus.
  • We organized a number of seminars, workshops and discussions (without any financial support) on Belarusian culture, intercultural communication, leadership, European values.
  • We organized seven exhibitions of Belarusian applied arts (without financial support).
  • We had regular meetings with university students to discuss Belarusian national identity and volunteerism.
  • We prepared 12 cultural and education projects to apply for international funds.

In 2013 we plan:

  • To continue our institutional development through supporting the activities of volunteers, launching the Board of Trustees, fostering close relations with organizations in other countries;
  • To further develop Belarusian-American dialogue through strengthening cooperation with our American partners and implementation of projects;
  • To facilitate Belarusian-European dialogue by means of implementation of international scientific and educational projects;
  • To conduct a round table “Intercultural Dialogue: Contemporary Paradigm and Experience of the Neighbors” in cooperation with the Polish Institute in Minsk (May 2013);
  • To prepare, publish and have a presentation of the book reflecting the results and findings of the round table (September 2013);
  • To write and publish a book covering the results of the trip and research in the U.S.A.;
  • To organize exhibitions of Belarusian arts;
  • To conduct several master classes on Belarusian applied arts;
  • To ensure and organize the participation of Belarusian delegations in several major international conferences and events in Europe and the U.S.A.;
  • To create a database (including an electronic copy) about Belarusian-European and Belarusian-American civic and cultural relations, Belarusian national culture and language, modern intercultural dialogue;